
All files within the eLibrary are in .pdf format and require Adobe Reader to view.  To download and install Adobe Reader (for free), visit this page.

An Innovative Approach to Proportioning Concrete Mixtures
Description:  CP Tech Center Technical Report dated March 2015 on concrete pavement mixture design and analysis (MDA).

NCAT MN Noise Study – 2005 3.02 MB
Description:  Noise study done at MnROAD notes concrete and asphalt have basically the same noise levels.

Paving Realities 11/11.pdf 321.52 KB
Description: This report details the world economic growth dynamics that have eliminated asphalt’s paving cost advantage, both on initial bid and life-cycle costs

Guide to Concrete Overlays.pdf 3.87 MB
Description: This Guide to Concrete Overlays of Asphalt Parking Lots was published in January 2013 and prepared by the CP Tech Center at Iowa State. It describes how to select, design, and construct successful concrete overlays on existing asphalt parking lot that serve multifamily residential, public, or commercial buildings.

All files within the eLibrary are in .pdf format and require Adobe Reader to view.  To download and install Adobe Reader (for free), visit this page.