Fact Sheets
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Adopting a Life-Cycle Perspective – April 2011 229.67 KB
Description: Special research brief from the Concrete Sustainability Hub @ MIT recommends economic and environmental impacts of infrastructure be evaluated using a life-cycle perspective, coupling LCA and LCCA methodologies.
Best of Both Worlds – New pavement surface technique renews I-394 in Minneapolis, by Ashley Kizzire, Contributing Author, Roads & Bridges, January 2016. Used with permission.
Description: The $13 million I-394 rehab included constructing the new Next Generation Concrete Surface (NGCS) diamond-ground surface to reduce noise.
Chicago Green Alley Handbook
Description: Very good guidebook showcasing sustainable solutions within an alley right-of-way. There are great plan and section views and figures of the various strategies, including cost estimates and do’s and don’ts.
Concrete: The Strong Silent Type 145.36 KB
Description: Next Generation Concrete Surface (NGCS) diamond grinding.
Conserving Fuel Fact Sheet 996.14 KB
Description: How the choice of road repair methods can save fuel and reduce our dependence on oil imports.
Concrete vs Asphalt 41.57 KB
Description: Outline of benefits concerning cost, quality, life cycle and environmental facts of using concrete over asphalt.
Concrete Overlays: A Proven Option 527.57 KB
Description: Despite a successful track record of projects extending back several decades, some public agencies and contractors have been hesitant to use concrete overlays.
Guide: Concrete Overlays 3rd Ed. 15.58 MB
Description: Sustainable solutions for resurfacing and rehabilitating existing pavements. A practical approach to understanding and successfully using concrete overlays, from selection to opening (source: National Concrete Pavement Technology Center).
Life Cycle Cost Analysis Revisited – Nov 2008 61.74 KB
Description: Explores specific aspects of performing life-cycle cost analyses for pavement design and rehabilitation applications.
Road Closed – July 2010 22.22 KB
Description: Research project analyzes full-closure construction.
Rough Roads Fact Sheet 2.16 MB
Description: This fact sheet focuses on research that shows that good roads cost everyone less. Rough roads costs the average American motorist about $400 a year in extra vehicle operating costs and that urban drivers pay upwards of $750 annually.
Stitching Concrete Pavement Fact Sheet 3.58 MB
Description: Cross-stitching and slot-stitching concrete pavement.
Taxpayer Alert Series by Brad Skow:
Why Choose Concrete? May 2006 58.72 KB
Smooth & Quiet Concrete – Aug. 2006 27.90 KB
What’s in Your Concrete? Fact Sheet (Parts I & II) 1.05 MB
Description: A two-part study of chemical composition of concrete by Concrete Sustainability Hub.
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