Case Studies
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Concrete Inlay/Overlay Projects:
Case Study: Anoka CSAH 22 – Nowthen, MN 46.20 KB
Description: Concrete overlay with recessed striping of three-miles of 25-year old asphalt road “rides like glass.”
Case Study: Blue Earth Airport Reconstruction 40.69 KB
Description: Six-inch concrete chosen in alternate bid for reconstruction of runway, taxiway and apron; considered “best long-term investment.” Phase 1 – 28,000 SY; Phase 2 – 31,000 SY.
Case Study: CMI Parking Lot – St. Louis Park, MN 705.50 KB
Description: Concrete overlay of severely deteriorated asphalt parking lot chosen for its strength, durability and cost effectiveness.
Case Study: I-35 Harris, MN 538.63 KB
Description: Thin 6″ concrete overlay jointed in a six-foot by six-foot pattern on Interstate 35 north of the Twin Cities in 2009.
Case Study: McLeod CSAH 7 MN 2.04 MB
Description: First highway in Minnesota to receive a 5-inch PCC overlay, CSAH 7 is now a low-maintenance highway route that will last for approximately 35 years.
Case Study: Olmsted CSAH 10 MN
Description: In 1982 Olmsted County paved a 1.1 mile stretch of CSAH 10 in Chatfield with a 6.5 inch concrete overlay that has since been maintenance free (August 2014). Director of Public Works, Mike Sheehan, is quoted as saying, “We don’t spend any maintenance time on it at all.”
Case Study: Scott County TH 66 MN
Description: Scott County’s first concrete overlay project. TH 66 “went from being the roughest road to the smoothest road in the county,” according to Greg Felt, Scott County engineer.
Case Study: Wabasha CSAH 30 MN
Description: Wabasha chose concrete for 5.25 miles of new pavement in part due to cost of bituminous. Rural and municipal paving included 94,500 SY of 7″ thick and 10,500 SY of 9″ thick where traffic is heaviest.
Case Study: Washington CSAH 16 MN
Description: Five-inch concrete inlay for 1.42-miles of CSAH 16/Valley Creek Road is expected to last 30 years.
Case Study: Watonwan CSAH 3 MN 1.71 MB
Description: Thin, 6-inch unbonded concrete overlay, 28′ wide x 3.3 miles in Watonwan County. The Life Cycle Cost Analysis showed future savings of $275,000 using concrete instead of bituminous.
CPR Projects:
Case Study: City of Minneapolis CPR
Description: CPR work in the Waite Park neighborhood and at Oliver-Penn Avenues is expected to extend the life of those concrete streets at least 20 years.
Case Study: Cook County, IL 879.92 KB
Description: Concrete pavement preservation project that gave new life to Cook County, Illinois streets.
Case Study: Douglas & Grant Counties, MN 1.05 MB
Description: Describes a 2007 Mn/DOT concrete pavement restoration project using diamond grinding on 32 miles of Interstate 94.
Case Study: Glen Ellyn, IL 1.34 MB
Description: Concrete patching and resealing maintenance for major city roads in Glen Ellyn, IL: Diamond grinding and joint resealing.
Case Study: I-94 MN 2.21 MB
Description: Minnesota Department of Transportation Utilizes Full CPR Toolbox and Diamond Grinding.
Case Study: Olmsted CSAH 25 MN 517.78 KB
Description: Study on CSAH 25 in Olmsted County in Rochester, MN benefiting from long term solution of diamond grinding and dowel bar retrofit.
Case Study: Wall, SD 2.98 MB
Description: I-90 Diamond Grinding of Asphalt in Wall, SD: Pavement rehabilitation and diamond grinding.
Case Study: Waseca CSAH 3 & CSAH 7
Description: Waseca County combined two highway segments (10 miles apart) requiring CPR in the summer of 2017 to get better pricing by using the same concrete repair contractor.
Case Study: White Bear Lake, MN 3.47 MB
Description: White Bear Lake Highway 61 Repairs Last 22 Years: Full and partial-depth repair & diamond grinding.
Full Depth Reclamation (FDR) Projects:
Case Study: Wabasha CSAH 25 & 2 – Elgin, MN
Description: FDR on CSAH 25 and 2 in Wabasha County near Elgin, MN with a concrete surface — 3.6 miles on CSAH 25 and 2 miles on CSAH 2.
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