CPAM members are a diverse group of professionals who look to our association for:
- Assistance in designing and planning of roads, streets and airfields.
- Research about what works in using concrete paving.
- Cooperation with local, state and federal agencies to establish standards for highway, street and airfield construction.
- High standards of workmanship and product quality by concrete paving contractors.
We are proud of our 80-plus member companies including aggregate and cement suppliers, consulting engineers, contractors, equipment, material and ready mix suppliers, and traffic control subcontractors.
- Learn more about CPAM and our membership
- Membership Application
- Dues Structure
- CPAM Board Standing Rules – (Amended 12-08-23)
- CPAM Bylaws – (Amended 01-20-2021)
- Board of Directors
- CPAM Annual Meeting Minutes (12-8-2023)
MEMBER NOTE: The percent of dues for 2022 that was used for influencing legislation and is therefore not tax deductible by CPAM members per IRS regulations is 8%. The number for 2021 was 6%.
Our members
Browse our member directory by clicking here. Click here for a printable version.
To print, use the following settings: Paper Size 8.5″ x 11″, also turn on background colors in print options.
PLEASE NOTE: Some of the information formerly found in the reference section of our directory (e.g. MnDOT and city engineer contacts, may be found on our website under About / CPAM Partners.)