Matt Zeller, CPAM Executive Director
Matt welcomed attendees to the 58th Annual Concrete Paving Workshop. More than 200 people registered for this year’s workshop and awards banquet.
Bob Spizzo, Breezy Point Resort & Conference Center
Bob extended a warm welcome to workshop attendees.
Dr. Thomas Van Dam, NCE
Presentation: What the Heck is EPD?
Tom Burnham, MnDOT
Presentation: MnDOT Research Update – UBOL Design and BCOA Performance
Glenn Engstrom, MnDOT
Presentation: MnDOT’s New Pavement Investment Guide
Bob McPartlin, Retired CPAM
Presentation: Evolution of Minnesota’s Concrete Paving Contractors: A Brief History of Thyme
Brett Heinlein, Continental Cement Company
Moderator: Session 2
Phillip Koontz, U.S. Navy SEAL Combat Veteran and Motivational Leadership Speaker
Presentation: Prepared for the Unknown / Overcoming Adversity
Phillip Koontz Book Signing
Phillip answered questions and signed copies of his book, “The Truth Behind My Trident.”
President’s Reception Sponsors
Many thanks to the 31 companies who generously sponsored the hour-long reception on Thursday evening, with complimentary drinks and hors d’oeuvres.

Curt Turgeon, MnDOT
Moderator: Session 3 on Intelligent Construction (IC)

Richard Duval, FHWA
Presentation – IC Session 3A: Addressing the Challenges and Return on Investment for Paperless Project Delivery

Brian Girouard, Trimble, Inc.
Presentation – IC Session 3B: 3D AMG – No Strings Attached

Mike Molitor & DJ Sosa, WSB & Associates, Inc.
Presentation – IC Session 3C: BIM (Building Information Modeling) and Pavements. Not pictured: Kyle Klasen, WSB

Joe Korzilius, SRF Consulting Group, Inc.
Moderator: Session 4
Dan King, Iowa Concrete Paving Association
Presentation: Design Software
Dr. Thomas Van Dam, NCE
Presentation: Concrete 101 – What’s Changed?
Scott Holmes, Olmsted County
Moderator: Session 5
Bridget Rief, Metropolitan Airports Commission
Presentation: What’s New at MSP?
Chuck Stauber, GCP Applied Technologies
Moderator: Session 6
Mike Leegard, MnDOT
Presentation: MnDOT Knowledge Book Development
Gordy Bruhn, MnDOT
Presentation: MnDOT’s Knowledge Book on Concrete Pavement Rehabilitation
Conference Room
CPAM’s Annual Concrete Paving Workshop was held at Breezy Point Conference Center on March 14-15, 2019. More than 200 people registered for this year’s workshop and awards banquet.
Conference Room
CPAM’s Annual Concrete Paving Workshop was held at Breezy Point Conference Center on March 14-15, 2019. More than 200 people registered for this year’s workshop and awards banquet.