More than 200 people attended the Annual CPAM Concrete Paving Workshop & Awards Banquet held Thursday-Friday, March 14-15, at Breezy Point Resort in Breezy Point, Minn. As in the past, the Awards Banquet was held on Thursday evening at 7 p.m., with complimentary drinks and hors d’oeuvres at the President’s Reception at 6 p.m. Many thanks to this year’s President’s Reception Sponsors!
For a list of this year’s Minnesota Concrete Paving Merit Awards, click on this link: Award Recipients.
Photos, including those of the award recipients, may be accessed via the top menu bar. (After clicking on “Photos,” a right menu bar titled “More Photos” will appear with links for workshop and awards banquet photos.)
Speaker presentations are available in the eLibrary under Workshop Presentations. The awards banquet presentation may also be found there, at the bottom of the listing.
SAVE THE DATE! We hope you’ll be able to join us next year for the 2020 Concrete Paving Workshop & Awards Banquet on March 19-20 in Duluth, Minn. Details will be available in late January 2020.